
My Day at Camp: School of Rock

In 1967, when I was 10, my dad asked me what musical instrument I wanted to play. I said, “Drums.” He said, “No, really.” I said,...

My Day at Camp: International School of Arizona

Un goût de France – à Scottsdale! A taste of France – in Scottsdale! The memory is so vivid. I am 5 years old, sitting...

Distance is irrelevant when choosing an overnight camp

University of Arizona student Jamie Maese spent four years as a camper at Independent Lake Camp in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. Now she...

Ice Den creates new sports venue

The Ice Den in North Scottsdale has mixed things up this summer by converting its newest ice rink into a family-friendly turf field. This 17,000-square-foot...

Art camps for at-risk youth

Chicano arts. Native American arts. African drumming. Latin dance. And spoken word. They’re all part of this year’s Multicultural Arts Camp presented by Free...

Theater works

Lynn Trimble shares news of a free summer camp expo taking place in Peoria this weekend -- plus details about diverse shows and youth oportunities coming to Theater Works.

Kids say the darndest things.

The mom at my gym told me there were water spots on her son’s letter and that he’d circled and labeled them “tears.” Can there be anything more painful than that?

Keeping homesickness at bay

Going off to overnight camp is a chance to make new friends, try new activities and have fun. But for many kids, camp also...

In defense of the peanut!

Poor parents. We’re so misunderstood. We’re just trying to do the right thing and protect our kids from a devastating legume and then someone, well, a lot of someones actually, comes out and throws a bunch of annoying facts around and we have to face the truth. We are responsible for the plethora of peanut anaphylaxis plaguing our offspring.

What I learned from the daily funnies.

There’s always a window that’s lowered by a millimeter, a woman’s hair is slightly shorter, a man’s polka-dotted tie turns to stripes. It’s really not so hard. So why am I blinded to these seemingly obvious differences?

Sometimes a cigar really is just a cigar

Sometimes as adults we get so used to people not saying what they mean we don’t recognize the simple truth when it hits us squarely upside the head.

Love Letter

Dear Levi, I am afraid. That’s not something you want to hear from your mother I know. That’s why this letter wont find its way to you until you’re much, much older. But I am.


Time to Paw-ty

Celebrating your favorite furry friend Call me crazy, but when my husband and I adopted our first dog together, we threw her a birthday party complete with cake, streamers, guests, appetizers, games, and more. Was...

Unique Ways to Host a Joint Birthday Party

My brother and I have birthdays that are just one day apart—his on March 3rd, mine on March 4th, and our oldest brother just a few weeks later on March 21st. Fast forward 31 years...

Out-of-the-box Birthday Party Ideas in Phoenix & Tucson

Wanting to do something a little extra special for your child’s next birthday party? Maybe it’s a milestone birthday—like turning double digits or entering the teen years. Or perhaps your child has requested to...

Birthday Traditions & Clever Theme Ideas

Childhood birthdays are unlike any others. I have fond memories of waking up on my birthday morning anticipating all the fun that was in store. With three kids who had birthdays all in the same...

Out-of-the Box Birthday Party Ideas

Wanting to do something a little extra special for your child’s next birthday party? Maybe it’s a milestone birthday—like turning double digits or entering the teen years. Or perhaps your child has requested to...

Party Etiquette

Whether you’re hosting a party or attending one, you may be wondering—do people really RSVP anymore? What about goodie bags, are those still a thing? Do I need to stay with my child at...

How to Throw a Birthday Party that Won’t Break the Bank

I remember the days when birthday parties consisted of colorful balloons, streamers, a simple cake, and the classics like musical chairs and tag with a few friends. Times have changed and suddenly it feels necessary...

How to do a drive-by birthday party

As we get deeper into quarantine, people have gotten creative with birthday celebrations. One result: the drive-by birthday party.

Home pool party? Hire a lifeguard!

Drowning happens silently and quickly. That’s why children are at risk even when — and sometimes especially when — adults are nearby. Even a "designated pool watcher" can avert his or her eyes for a...

Hiking birthday party

For a child who loves adventure and outdoors, turn a hike into a birthday party.
Tour de Liam, Biking birthday party theme, bike race, outdoor activites, arizona parties

Bike race birthday party

When there are lots of neighborhood friends who love to ride their bikes together, host a birthday party that feels like an official bike race.

Island birthday party

Pool parties are popular in Arizona. Make a stylish upgrade at your next birthday party by incorporating décor and details that will transport guests from the desert to a tropical island paradise.

