
Parental alienation

EDITOR’S NOTE: Names and some descriptive details have been changed to protect the privacy of the family. This may be the eighth Christmas that Beth...

Bedroom TVs?

Q: It seems like more kids—even young children—have TVs in their bedrooms these days. Is this a good idea? According to the American Academy...

Are you fluent in baby?

Along with all of the other surprising changes that come with bringing home a newborn baby, you may find that you are suddenly fluent...

Back to work after baby

Jody Williams loved her job and had worked very hard to move up the corporate ladder. But after she gave birth to her son...

Infant vision program can save lives

Grace Zellers is a bright, spunky 20-month-old girl who likes to have her parents’ undivided attention. When I met Grace and her parents in...

Sharing the child rearing

What should we make of the research reported by Kyle D. Pruett, M.D., a child psychiatrist at Yale University’s Medical School and Child Study...

Building positive early-childhood memories

Parents make an effort to give children pleasant memories to carry into adulthood. They plan elaborate birthday parties and excursions, fret over special gifts...

Bad days and good days

A really bad day starts out when your preschooler wakes the baby. Then she fusses about whatever is available for breakfast, asks for something...

Fear No Evil: Raising a trusting child in a violent world

I awoke with a start one night to see our son, Kevin, standing at the side of our bed. "Mommy," he cried. "I can't fall...

Teaching “polite”

In a world filled with incivility and vulgarity, how do we teach young children to be polite? Being polite is more than saying “please”...

Getting a summer job as a camp counselor

Arcadia High School junior Kelly Dannerbeck 17, of Phoenix, scooped ice cream for a few months to earn extra money. But then she decided...

The power of the pause

Adults forget that young children need time to process what is said to them. Preschoolers understand the words, but thinking about them and then...

The trouble with princesses

Thirty years ago I parented a little girl growing up in Arizona. As I do it again now, I’ve noticed that times have changed...

Talking to kids about sex

I don't remember my parents ever having the BIG TALK with me. I think I just asked my mom questions about sex as they...

How to respond to preschool tattling

Many parents put more energy into scolding about tattling than they do about teasing, pushing or generally disobeying. They worry that their children will...

Dressing preschoolers

You wouldn't think that issues related to clothing would emerge for children ages 2 through 6 but, in the age of Barbie dolls and...


Time to Paw-ty

Celebrating your favorite furry friend Call me crazy, but when my husband and I adopted our first dog together, we threw her a birthday party complete with cake, streamers, guests, appetizers, games, and more. Was...

Unique Ways to Host a Joint Birthday Party

My brother and I have birthdays that are just one day apart—his on March 3rd, mine on March 4th, and our oldest brother just a few weeks later on March 21st. Fast forward 31 years...

Out-of-the-box Birthday Party Ideas in Phoenix & Tucson

Wanting to do something a little extra special for your child’s next birthday party? Maybe it’s a milestone birthday—like turning double digits or entering the teen years. Or perhaps your child has requested to...

Birthday Traditions & Clever Theme Ideas

Childhood birthdays are unlike any others. I have fond memories of waking up on my birthday morning anticipating all the fun that was in store. With three kids who had birthdays all in the same...

Out-of-the Box Birthday Party Ideas

Wanting to do something a little extra special for your child’s next birthday party? Maybe it’s a milestone birthday—like turning double digits or entering the teen years. Or perhaps your child has requested to...

Party Etiquette

Whether you’re hosting a party or attending one, you may be wondering—do people really RSVP anymore? What about goodie bags, are those still a thing? Do I need to stay with my child at...

How to Throw a Birthday Party that Won’t Break the Bank

I remember the days when birthday parties consisted of colorful balloons, streamers, a simple cake, and the classics like musical chairs and tag with a few friends. Times have changed and suddenly it feels necessary...

How to do a drive-by birthday party

As we get deeper into quarantine, people have gotten creative with birthday celebrations. One result: the drive-by birthday party.

Home pool party? Hire a lifeguard!

Drowning happens silently and quickly. That’s why children are at risk even when — and sometimes especially when — adults are nearby. Even a "designated pool watcher" can avert his or her eyes for a...

Hiking birthday party

For a child who loves adventure and outdoors, turn a hike into a birthday party.
Tour de Liam, Biking birthday party theme, bike race, outdoor activites, arizona parties

Bike race birthday party

When there are lots of neighborhood friends who love to ride their bikes together, host a birthday party that feels like an official bike race.

Island birthday party

Pool parties are popular in Arizona. Make a stylish upgrade at your next birthday party by incorporating décor and details that will transport guests from the desert to a tropical island paradise.

