
Using Common Sense: Best Apps and Videos for Learning

As your students settle into the school year and their routines at home, it’s important to remember that learning opportunities shouldn’t be relegated to...

Explaining the News to Our Kids

Dramatic, disturbing news events can leave parents speechless. These age-based tips on how to talk with kids about the news -- and listen, too...

PodKidz opens podcasting studio in Scottsdale

Know a kid interested in making their own podcast? PodPopuli, a new retail podcast studio in Scottsdale, is launching PodKidz to teach and inspire...

Balance family screen time with old-school holiday traditions

We all know the holidays will be different this year. From smaller family gatherings to Zoom calls with relatives who live far away, celebrating...

3 free treasure hunts families can enjoy together — anywhere

Raising kids in Arizona affords many opportunities to spend time outdoors, especially during these beautiful winter months. But what outdoor activities help strengthen family...

Kids are spending more time than ever watching YouTube (and much less time reading!)

Half of the kids in the U.S. will own smartphones by age 11, and phone use is on the rise for kids as young...

Alexa is in the house — so are smart speakers OK for kids?

Alexa, tell me a joke. Alexa, play “Somebody to Love” by Queen. Alexa, rap. My 8-year-old son uses our Amazon Echo — a.k.a. “Alexa” — as his...

6 ways to help young girls grow into STEM careers

As the father of a 6-year-old daughter and the director of the Scottsdale-based kids coding academy CodaKid, I have a special interest in getting...

8 ways to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11’s lunar landing

Saturday marks the 50th anniversary of a milestone achievement in science --- the day America's Apollo 11 mission landed on the moon, and Astronaut...

Sari on Science: Make foam rocket flingers to celebrate the Apollo 11 lunar landing

In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the moon, and this month marks 50 years since the historic event. At...

Getting your act together? There are apps for that!

Moms have minimal time and maximum stress. We have bills to pay, medical appointments to schedule, kids to pick up, lunches to pack, laundry...

Resolve to teach your kids financial skills this year

Gregg Murset is a Scottsdale-based financial planner and a Queen Creek father of six who has long thought about preparing his kids to be...

Phoenix offers free coding and robotics classes for kids

Only a fourth of Arizona’s elementary schools offer computer science courses. But the city of Phoenix’s new codePHX program aims to jumpstart these skills...

Parenting in the Digital Age: Helping parents understand social media risks

Jessica Swarner is not a parent. But two things prompted her interest in helping parents better understand social media trends and ways to keep...

Screen time: One more reason for mom guilt

When we flew with both of our children recently, I was a little nervous. I had never flown with two before. I wasn’t sure...

The real problem with screen time? Speech delays

Ever hand off your phone to your baby to keep her quiet? Or watched an infant stare at an iPad? A new study may...


Time to Paw-ty

Celebrating your favorite furry friend Call me crazy, but when my husband and I adopted our first dog together, we threw her a birthday party complete with cake, streamers, guests, appetizers, games, and more. Was...

Unique Ways to Host a Joint Birthday Party

My brother and I have birthdays that are just one day apart—his on March 3rd, mine on March 4th, and our oldest brother just a few weeks later on March 21st. Fast forward 31 years...

Out-of-the-box Birthday Party Ideas in Phoenix & Tucson

Wanting to do something a little extra special for your child’s next birthday party? Maybe it’s a milestone birthday—like turning double digits or entering the teen years. Or perhaps your child has requested to...

Birthday Traditions & Clever Theme Ideas

Childhood birthdays are unlike any others. I have fond memories of waking up on my birthday morning anticipating all the fun that was in store. With three kids who had birthdays all in the same...

Out-of-the Box Birthday Party Ideas

Wanting to do something a little extra special for your child’s next birthday party? Maybe it’s a milestone birthday—like turning double digits or entering the teen years. Or perhaps your child has requested to...

Party Etiquette

Whether you’re hosting a party or attending one, you may be wondering—do people really RSVP anymore? What about goodie bags, are those still a thing? Do I need to stay with my child at...

How to Throw a Birthday Party that Won’t Break the Bank

I remember the days when birthday parties consisted of colorful balloons, streamers, a simple cake, and the classics like musical chairs and tag with a few friends. Times have changed and suddenly it feels necessary...

How to do a drive-by birthday party

As we get deeper into quarantine, people have gotten creative with birthday celebrations. One result: the drive-by birthday party.

Home pool party? Hire a lifeguard!

Drowning happens silently and quickly. That’s why children are at risk even when — and sometimes especially when — adults are nearby. Even a "designated pool watcher" can avert his or her eyes for a...

Hiking birthday party

For a child who loves adventure and outdoors, turn a hike into a birthday party.
Tour de Liam, Biking birthday party theme, bike race, outdoor activites, arizona parties

Bike race birthday party

When there are lots of neighborhood friends who love to ride their bikes together, host a birthday party that feels like an official bike race.

Island birthday party

Pool parties are popular in Arizona. Make a stylish upgrade at your next birthday party by incorporating décor and details that will transport guests from the desert to a tropical island paradise.

