Old friends, new year

I ran into an old friend on Friday while waiting in line at a favorite breakfast haunt with my daughter Lizabeth. We ended up sharing a table and lingering over talk of films, showtunes and such.

I met Alan, who hails from Philadelphia, more than a decade ago when he was still in music teacher mode — and charged with teaching Christopher, then in elementary school, to play saxophone.

Nowadays he’s a hypnotherapist. And Christopher’s sax is long gone. Still, I run into Alan fairly often since we’re both ASU Gammage season ticket holders. He enjoys shows with his wife Anita, while I usually take Lizabeth along.

My husband James knows better than to try and wrestle either of us for a ticket. And we’ve already seen everything from “Starlight Express” to “Les Miserables” together.

Earlier in the day I’d been musing over what to feature for a New Year’s post — with little success. Clever New Year’s resolutions with a theater-geek twist topped my list, but I’d had far too little espresso to make that magic happen.

I set what seemed a more manageable goal — culling some of my favorite lines from all sorts of Broadway showtunes. But alas. So few really translate without the music. And many simply aren’t fit for family magazine fare. Think There’s a moment you know…. from “Spring Awakening.”

In reality, I’ll be hibernating long before the official New Year is upon us. But I’m rallying just long enough to offer one-liners of the mostly G-rated varety. Consider this post a preview of sorts. I reserve the right to make changes as (or perhaps if) the inspiration strikes.

Whether you love my list or hate it, I hope it inspires you to consider some of your favorite quotes from stage and screen — and how you might sum up your own hopes for the New Year in a simple sentence or two.

Life’s too quick (Rent/Out Tonight). A person’s a person, no matter how small (Seussical/Horton Hears a Who). What do you do with a B.A. in English? (Avenue Q). Don’t be the bunny (Urinetown).

I may not be smart but I ain’t dumb (Sweeney Todd/Not While I’m Around). And all these things I feel and more/My mother’s mother felt and hers before (Baby/Story Goes On). Don’t want a nation under the new media (American Idiot).

Because I knew you, I have been changed for good (Wicked/For Good). There’s life outside your apartment (Avenue Q). Well they can kiss my tush (Spamalot/Diva’s Lament). Let me be a kid (Runaways).

At the end of the day you’re another day older (Les Miserables/At the End of the Day). I really need this job (Chorus Line/I Hope I Get It). Nice is different than good (Into the Woods/I Know Things Now). Give a man enough rope (The Will Rogers Follies).

Just breathe (In the Heights/Breathe). A lawyer is a shark (Legally Blonde/Blood in the Water). Brush up your Shakespeare/And they’ll all kowtow (Kiss Me, Kate/Brush Up Your Shakespeare). It sucks to be me (Avenue Q).

You see what you look for, you know (Company/Being Alive). Children may not obey, but children will listen (Into the Woods/Children Will Listen). We were born to consume/From the cradle to the tomb (Walmartopia).

For life is quite absurd (Spamalot/Always Look on the Bright Side of Life). I wish I could go back to college (Avenue Q). My child is next in the line that has no ending (Baby/Story Goes On).

In everything you do/Always be yourself (Billy Elliot/The Letter). It’s not the time to overthink (Legally Blonde/Bend and Snap). Everyone’s a little bit racist (Avenue Q). Happiness is two kinds of ice cream (You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown/Happiness).

I want my life to be something more than long (Pippin/Corner of the Sky). What you want is right in front of you (Legally Blonde/What You Want). Never met a man I didn’t like (The Will Rogers Follies).

In learning you will teach/And in teaching you will learn (Tarzan/Son of a Man). How do you measure a year in the life? (Rent/Seasons of Love).

— Lynn

Note: Where song titles aren’t listed, the song title is the same as the quote noted for that show. Feel free to comment below with your own favorite (and family-friendly) Broadway one-liner.

Coming up: New year, new theater