How to find quality preschools in Arizona

How do you begin to find quality preschools in Arizona? Especially if you are new to parenthood or new to Arizona. We’ve compiled a list of local resources that offer guidance, support and search tools.

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602-686-4480 •
Preschool through grade 12 education consultants will assist families living in or relocating to Arizona with finding the best school fit — for general, special and gifted education — from among public district, public charter, private school, or homeschool options.

Arizona Department of Health Services: Bureau of Child Care Licensing
Regulates childcare facilities and offers a search tool for locating centers. Information for parents includes access to AZ Care Check, a searchable database with information about any deficiencies found against child care facilities/providers.

Association for Supportive Child Care
Provides training and education to individuals in the child care field. Offers accreditation programs. Supports and trains caregivers. Links people looking for jobs in child care with employers who have job openings. Lends toys, equipment, books and resources to family child care providers. Also teaches school-age children how to be safe when home alone and on the Internet, provides an after school “warm line” for children who are home alone and assists refugee families settling in Arizona.

Arizona chapter of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Works to improve the quality of early care and education ansd supporting professional development opportunities and resources for early childhood professionals.

Child Care Resource & Referral
Free, statewide service offering extensive lists of child care providers (full-time, part-time, after-school and summer child care; special needs care). Access guidelines for determining quality child care, parent newsletters and information about financial assistance. Also provides assistance to child care providers.

First Things First
Partners with nearly 800 child care providers all over the state to improve the quality of their educational programs for kids from birth to age 5. Offers a downloadable checklist that parents can use when visiting preschools/daycares. Provides the Arizona Parent Kit free of charge to parents of all newborns in the state before they leave the hospital or birthing center. The kit, which includes instructional DVDs, also are available for checkout at libraries statewide. Operates a Birth to Five Hotline (877-705-KIDS) to provide answers to child development questions.

National Association for the Education of Young Children
Administers a national, voluntary accreditation system to evaluate and help raise the quality of all types of preschools, kindergartens and childcare centers. Maintains a list of programs that are currently accredited to help parents find NAEYC-accredited programs in their area.

The Foundation for Montessori Education
Promotes awareness of Montessori education and lists Montessori schools in Arizona.


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magazine provides resource directories as a community service and a starting place for your research. We do not independently evaluate nor do we imply endorsement by including particular organizations. If you know of additional resources we should list, please contact us.