Moms groups and parenting groups

North Central Parenting Group, moms groups, Arizona
First-Time Moms of 2014 Babies meets at Bar North at Kierland Commons. Tiffany Paluga (second from right), of Scottsdale, started the group on

Moms groups offer friendship, support and sometimes even professional guidance from childhood development experts.

Busy Bees Mothers of Multiples
Support group for moms of multiples. Meetings the third Wednesday evening of each month. Serves Phoenix and the East Valley, including Gilbert, Mesa, Chandler, Queen Creek and San Tan Valley. Annual dues: $25.

MOMS Club® International
Social group primarily for stay-at-home moms, organized by geographical borders. Social events, meetings and outings. Children welcome at most events. Annual dues: $15-$30.

Moms on the Move
Education and support for moms with babies ages 0-12 months. Sponsored by Scottsdale Healthcare, with weekly meetings at Shea Boulevard and Osborn Road campuses. Babies welcome. Free.

MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers
An international faith-based moms group with meetings at local churches. Times vary. Childcare provided. Annual dues: $25 & up.

North Central Parenting Group
Parenting education and social opportunities organized by age of mom’s oldest child. Morning and evening classes, play dates, Mom’s Night Out events and family holiday parties. Childcare provided. Annual dues: $250 & up; scholarships available.

Paradise Valley Moms of Multiples
Support, education and social opportunities for moms of multiples living in the north Phoenix, Scottsdale and Paradise Valley areas. Meetings the first Thursday evening of each month. Annual dues: $25.

Scottsdale New Moms – Club BĂ©bĂ©
A social group/club for new parents and their babies. Meets bi-monthly for socials (moms, dads and babies) plus activities during the week: mall strolls and lunches, baby classes, hikes, picnics,  play dates and more. Parent-to-parent forum-like support and ideas for new-parent questions from best teething toys to breastfeeding issues.

Scottsdale Parenting Group
Scottsdale Parenting Group is a non-profit, non-denominational organization that provides educational classes to parents of pre-birth through adolescents. Classes are broken down by age group and taught by qualified, professional instructors who are leaders in their fields of nursing, child development, child education and family counseling. SPG also offers outside social events such as Mom’s Night Out, playgroups, evening workshops and other fun events. First class is always free.

Learn more about moms groups

Moms groups: Where moms find friendship and common ground
Online moms groups



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