Special needs early diagnosis and intervention

Southwest Human Development, Children's Developmental Center, early diagnosis, assessment, disabilities, special needs, Phoenix, Arizona
Practicing motor skills at the Children’s Developmental Center at Southwest Human Development in Phoenix. Photo by Daniel Friedman.

With most developmental disabilities, early diagnosis and intervention is critical to ensure children meet their full potential. If you suspect your child is lagging behind peers on developmental milestones, here are some resources that can help.

Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP)
3839 N. Third St., Suite 304, Phoenix
602-532-9960 • des.az.gov/services/disabilities/developmental-infant
Arizona’s statewide, interagency system of supports and services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities and their families. AzEIP partners with community providers to provide at-home screening and determine eligibility for early-intervention services. Families can benefit from AzEIP until their child is 3 years old or no longer needs services.

Operates under the Child Find mandate of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Requires public education agencies to locate, identify and evaluate children who live within geographical boundaries and need early-intervention or special education services. Anyone with concerns about the development or academic achievement of a child may refer the child for screening at a public district or public charter school.

Child & Family Resources, Inc.
2830 W. Glendale Ave., Suite 28, Phoenix
602-234-3941 • childfamilyresources.org
When a toddler or preschooler is struggling to talk, walk, or play with other children, Child & Family Resources offers early intervention that can help. The Parents as Teachers – Early Learning Program provides families with interactive play-based developmental visits for parents with children birth to 5 years old, strategies that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, and help connecting you to resources in the community.

Southwest Human Development
2850 N. 24th St., Phoenix
602-468-3430 • swhd.org
Operates more than 40 programs to support families with children from birth to age 5. The Children’s Developmental Center provides integrated, team-based care for young children with complex developmental delays or disabilities. Care is coordinated by a transdisciplinary team of pediatric specialists who collaborate to provide comprehensive evaluations, expert assessments and individualized plans.

Other resources

  • Board-certified developmental-behavioral pediatricians evaluate and treat children for behavior, attention, learning and motor coordination and other areas of development in cognitive, speech and language, social-emotional and self-help skills.
  • Pediatric neuropsychologists (look for a PhD or PsyD degree) evaluate and treat neuropsychological, psychoeducational and developmental differences.

More special needs resources

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