Art adventures, ambush style

My latest ambush? The Higley High School office next to the Higley Center for the Performing Arts...

When’s the last time you walked into a high school and let them know you wanted to learn more about the good things they’re doing? It never happens, right?

That might explain the look of shock, but eventually pleasant surprise, when I sauntered into Higley High School with my camera in tow.

I’d just come from seeing a touring production of “Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale” presented at the Higley Center for the Performing Arts by the Kennedy Center’s “Theater for Young Audiences” program.

There was a long line of yellow school buses parked outside the theater, which shares space with the local high school — something I also encountered during a recent “art adventure” in Queen Creek.

Like many of Arizona's schools, Higley High School is inviting parents and community members to make donations through the tax credit program

I’ll share photos and more details about my Higley adventures in a future post, but wanted to share with you how much I’m enjoying the new “ambush” approach that’s evolving along with the blog.

I’m grateful for the folks who graciously talk with me about what they do and what they enjoy within the realm of arts and culture.

Several things have changed between that first post and today’s post — which marks #400 for this “Stage Mom.” I’m spending more time exploring parts of the Valley with art treasures too few folks make time to enjoy.

I hope these trips, and the photos I come home with, will encourage you to try more art and culture-related day trips with your own children — which I would love for you to tell me about. It’s the finds of fellow parents that often prove most fruitful.

It’s easier for me to share my discoveries with you now that I am the proud owner of a new laptop. It’s a humble computer, which suits me just fine — but it’s vastly different in several ways from the computer I used for nearly 400 posts.

This volunteer with Friends of the Surprise Libraries was gracious and helpful when I popped in to one of two Surprise library branches to explore their offerings last weekend

My old computer had a non-working battery and was slower than the dickens to process any command — which left me chained to the kitchen table I call my writing home. I’m enjoying my new freedom to write in other rooms and even out there in the big wide world beyond suburbia.

I’ve also gone for a year or so with a non-working backspace key, which can really slow you down when you tend to make at least one mistake a minute. I could get the job done with a delete button, but my family got tired of hearing me pound on the thing like it needed tenderizing.

My old computer was also fond of dropping the first few letters of random words, so there was always that to go back and take care of. The new laptop gives me more time away from the keyboard, and more time out there in the community.

It’s a much more exciting place to be — and I look forward to meeting more of you along the journey. Until my next ambush…

— Lynn

Note: Thanks to all those I’ve chatted with along the way who are still waiting patiently to see the posts featuring their fabulous offerings. Turns out I have more show and tell items than there are days for posting. Who knew?

Coming up: Musings on “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” at ASU Gammage and “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part I)”