Tips for Maintaining New Year’s Resolution of Healthy Eating

By Ryan Powell, the co-owner of Eat Clean Phx

The new year is upon us, which means now is the perfect time for you and your kiddos to put together your resolutions and determine all that you hope to accomplish in 2023. For many families, these can include enjoying more quality time together, consuming more nutritious foods, and exercising on a regular basis.

For those looking to take on a healthier lifestyle, your goals will most likely consist of improving your daily diet and watching the foods you eat. This is a great intention for your entire family to make, as eating healthy can help boost your mood, prevent chronic diseases, and build strong bones and teeth.

While many Americans start off the new year feeling very motivated, only nine to 12%  on average are known to keep their resolutions. Although the intention and desire may be strong at the beginning, people’s busy schedules make maintaining them more challenging and they often lack required discipline needed to keep up a consistent routine. Some individuals even believe that they won’t be able to accomplish their plans and let them fall through the cracks.

Whether you are focused on consuming a healthier diet or want to set a personal goal of eating less junk, believing you can achieve your aspirations and building a plan to do so will increase your chance of maintaining these resolutions. Here are some things you can do to help you stick to your healthy lifestyle goals:

  1. Believe In Yourself

The first and most important step to achieving New Year’s resolutions is knowing that you can do it. The journey to achieving may not be easy, but you must push through. The outcome will always be worth it. The motivation and discipline will take shape if you believe your goal can be accomplished.

  1. Efficient Goal Planning

The best way to transition your resolution into daily habits is to set aspirations you know you can work towards. Focusing on at least one or two goals can make developing a plan to accomplish them more strategic and achievable. In terms of healthy eating, make sure to form commitments that fit with your schedule, such as start meal prepping on weekends. Many families become very busy at nights, as kids have plenty of activities and homework to complete. You may not have enough time to make dinner each night, so meal prepping can help ensure you all enjoy delicious and nutritious meals.

  1. Transition Process

Although admitting you want to improve your diet is the first step, it is key to take it one step at a time and slowly work to transition your diet. Start off by steadily working to cut out more junk food from your diet and add in more nutritious food. Make sure these increase as the weeks go on to get closer to be able to completely cut it out of your diet. Taking your time to get your body used to a different diet will also increase the likelihood that you won’t be tempted to return to junk food once you do cut it out.

Eating a well-balanced diet consists of consuming foods from all the main food groups, including fruits, vegetables, protein, and grains. The popular junk food favorites such as sugar and soda do not need to be completely removed from your diet but should be enjoyed occasionally. Meals that incorporate those foods will help you feel better and will have a positive impact on your personal well-being. Consult your local nutritionist or dietitian if you are interested in learning which foods are personally best for you and your individual needs.

About Ryan Powell:

Ryan Powell is the head chef and co-owner of Eat Clean Phx, a family-owned meal delivery service that has been providing Arizonans with healthy, organic, and made from scratch meals since 2018. Founders, Ryan and Brittany Powell strive to provide customers across the Valley with healthy meals giving families or busy individual an easy option for delicious breakfasts, lunches or dinners that are delivered straight to your home or office. For more information on Eat Clean Phx, please visit