Happy Halloween poster design template background Boo!
GLENDALE – Halloween BOO Drive Thru
Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
5600 W. Union Hills Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85308
Glendale's Halloween BOO drive thru is a five-minute drive-thru event filled with treats, spooky decorations and giant inflatables. Candy will be provided for children 12 & under. Participants must remain in their cars and wear masks when appropriate. Glendale city employees will follow social distancing guidelines and wear masks and gloves when handing out treats. 6:30 p.m. Free. Foothills Recreation and Aquatics Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. Preregistration is required: 623-930-4600 or at this link.
Additional Information
Website: glendaleaz.com