Harvest in the Heritage District Downtown Gilbert Fall Celebration
Downtown Gilbert Heritage District
102 W Vaughn Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85233
Gilbert, AZ 85296
Gilbert is welcoming the change of seasons this fall with Harvest in the Heritage District - Downtown Gilbert’s Fall Celebration, Oct. 3 – Nov. 3. Don’t miss Fall Harmonies at Heritage Marketplace featuring an 18-foot-long guitar slide, 10-foot-tall jack o’ lantern banjo and 9-foot-tall violin – all featuring spooky tunes! Family Nights at Harvest in the Heritage Distrct are held every Thursday night in downtown Gilbert and will feature a concert, magic show, mad science and more! Enjoy festive fall décor throughout Downtown Gilbert, check out the Fall Harvest Celebrations Community Mural, and enjoy merchant specials and fall flavors. Complete details at www.HarvestintheHD.com.
Additional Information
Website: https://www.discovergilbert.com/harvest/
Age recommendation: All Ages