Family Winter Skin Care Tips: Mom and Dad

This is the final part in the series on winter skin care for the family and this time it’s your turn Mom and Dad!

Here are some important reminders and skin care routine adjustments you can make during the winter months to keep your skin hydrated and your skin barrier functioning optimally.

  • Bathing

Bathe at most once a day using a hydrating cleanser. Showers should last 3-5 minutes. Long baths tend to dry the skin but I do not want to take away much needed self-care time, so if you enjoy a long bath for relaxation, just be sure to use a bath oil and moisturize afterwards.

  • Moisturize

Pat skin dry after bathing and apply cream type moisturizer. If dad doesn’t like cream moisturizers because they feel too heavy on the skin and can be hard to rub in with hair, swap for a lotion or gel-cream.

  • Facial Skin Care

If you are a parent still struggling with acne and using acne treatments, you may need to decrease use during the winter months as these tend to be drying to the skin. Of course, discuss any changes to prescription acne medications (sush us Accutane ) with your doctor before making changes.

Many of the active ingredients in products that target age related and sun induced changes can also be drying. You may need to decrease your use of over the counter retinol or prescription products containing retinoids or hydroquinone.

Other ingredients that can be an issue during the winter are azelaic acid, vitamin C and bakuchiol. I recommend a facial moisturizer twice daily, year round. A non-comedogenic oil based moisturizer can be great for those struggling with dryness during winter – look for jojoba, argan, or grapeseed oil. Men tend to prefer lotions or gel-creams.

Consider using a hydrating cleanser during the winter months and reducing exfoliating treatments. A visit to your aesthetician or dermatologist for a hydrating treatment can really help the skin look its best during the winter months.

  • Facial Shaving

Be sure to exfoliate any dead flaky skin prior to shaving. Skip shower shaving in winter, splash warm to hot water on the face or use a hot damp towel for up to 20 seconds. Use a pre-shave oil prior and a balm after shaving. Consider doing your shaving routine at night so you are not shaving away all your skin’s natural oils then heading out into the cold air.

  • SPF

 Sunscreen is important year round, especially living in Arizona. Sunburns negatively affect the skin’s ability to hold in moisture and dry skin means the skin barrier is not as effective at protecting the cells from sunlight that gets through.

  • Lip Care

I’d recommend ointment based products like Vaseline.

Dr. Brooke Jeffy is a board-certified dermatologist that has been practicing in North Scottsdale for nine years. She practices dermatology differently by combining medical dermatology, lifestyle approaches and skincare to create skin health for her patients. Her favorite condition to treat is acne and she loves teaching tweens and teens how to care for their skin. In addition to running her own private practice, Dr. Jeffy is the founder of btwn skincare, a product line and educational resource for tweens and teens to help them get started with healthy skin and wellness habits. To learn more or schedule an appointment, go to For tween/teen skincare tips IG @brookejeffymd