HomeArticlesSouthwest Human Development : Disability Resources

Southwest Human Development : Disability Resources

Written by Holly Nelson, Senior Manager, Marketing and Communications

Being a parent is hard. Navigating questionable online advice and shuttling your kids from appointment to appointment can be a struggle. As the Valley’s largest nonprofit dedicated to early childhood development, Southwest Human Development is here to provide support and answers. Below are three resources to help families navigate the toughest early childhood challenges.

Birth to Five Helpline (877-705-KIDS)
Why isn’t my child sleeping? Why isn’t my child eating? Should my child be walking or talking by now? Why is potty-training so difficult? These common questions and many more are triaged through the Birth to Five Helpline. With support from First Things First and other community partners, the Birth to Five Helpline (877-705-KIDS), allows Arizona parents, caregivers and professionals to call, text or email a Birth to Five Helpline early childhood specialist for support around a variety of early childhood issues. The Birth to Five Helpline is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., by calling or sending a text message to (877) 705-KIDS (5437). To submit a question online, visit www.birthtofivehelpline.org. A Birth to Five Helpline app is also available on the App Store and Google Play.

Parent Partners Plus
How great would it be for someone to come to YOU instead of having to pack the diaper bag, drive in traffic, and wait forever in a waiting room? That’s the amazing thing about Parent Partners Plus; in-home visitors make it easy for expecting parents or families to receive free services. If you have children ages three and under and you reside in Maricopa County, Parent Partners Plus can help. Common in-home services include healthy pregnancy support, developmental screenings, and school readiness activities. Parent Partners Plus can be reached at 602-633-0732. To submit a question online, visit www.parentpartnersplus.com.

RELATED: Birth to Five helpline offers support for soothing fussy babies

Birth to Five Center of Excellence
Imagine having one dream team working in unison to support your young child’s specific need. That’s the basis for The Birth to Five Center of Excellence where Southwest Human Development brings together all the members of a support team under one roof. The program assists young children with complex needs including autism spectrum disorders, developmental delays secondary to trauma, feeding disorders, assistive technology needs and fragile infants transitioning home from the NICU. For more information about the Birth to Five Center of Excellence, call (602) 468-3430, email COE@swhd.org or visit www.swhd.org/centerofexcellence.

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