By Sami Majeed
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In addition to the global health pandemic that the world has been facing, there is an emotional pandemic as well in the form of hesitance, and a recession of willful, reckless learning.
At some schools, precautionary measures are overtaking the designing dream factories—meaning they have focused more on worry than on helping children dream big and focus on learning.
A School of “Readers”
At Self Development Preschool and Academies, students are being prepped to become readers starting as early as 4 years old. In addition, preschoolers are also learning math facts, all in the attempt to ready them for kindergarten.
Leveraging genes into genius.
The staff at Self Development Preschool and Academies believes that reading is the key that opens a door to a magical world of learning. With experts in literacy and phonics, four year olds are taught to read early so that they are well prepared for kindergarten, where they can then focus on phonemic awareness, reading fluency, reading comprehension, handwriting, and grammar.
The experience is indulgent yet robust, so that when they are promoted to first grade they can read stories not only fluently with dynamic intonation, but with the ability to read with the passion they experienced inside a story.
School = Dream Factories
SDA also offers an accelerated curriculum, teaching every student a grade level higher than the state.
Even through the pandemic and other worries of the world, Self Development Academies and Preschool prides themselves on ensuring the safety of its students by focusing on best learning practices and encouraging students to continue dreaming big.
Ready for Kindergarten Readiness?
Enroll at Self Development Preschool and Academies and make sure your child is early. Students are enrolled on a first come, first-served basis. Preference is given to students with siblings already enrolled. Contact us for more information on tuition and enrollment.
• Self Development Preschool
Vernetta Madsen | 480-396-3522
• Self Development Academy
Sami Majeed | 480-641-2640
Mesa: 480-641-2640
Phoenix: 602-274-1910