By Elizabeth Woods, Plexus Worldwide Director of Philanthropy
When I was a child, my family would volunteer together, and it created a sense of community and bonding that’s lasted with me into my career. As the Director of Philanthropy at Plexus, I’ve taken those lessons with me into my work to help inform a company culture of giving. Through strategic efforts, we continuously serve those in Phoenix and the world.
The holidays are the perfect time of year to try volunteering with your children. It’s a time of gifting and giving that can also serve as a valuable lesson on what community impact means. There are also benefits to volunteering such as confidence, empathy and a sense of purpose.
If you’re planning on volunteering as a family, here are my tips to make your experience memorable.
- Pick the volunteer activity with consideration
Start your family volunteer efforts with a conversation around what activities your kids enjoy doing and what’s meaningful to them. Kids, as you know, can be picky. You know your children best so you might want to plan around what will keep their interest.
When Arizona residents think of volunteering, they likely think about soup kitchens and hunger relief efforts. That is a huge focus at Plexus, and we regularly volunteer at St. Mary’s Food Bank. However, there are various activities at numerous nonprofits that need your help.
Kids can decorate birthday bags at Foster Alliance, build no-sew blankets at Cancer Support Community Arizona, or take a beloved activity like singing or card tricks to your local hospital to entertain patients.
It’s all about making a difference and it starts with what matters to you and your family.
- Know the age restrictions
One of Plexus Worldwide’s favorite volunteering activities is to group staff for pizza making at St. Vincent de Paul. Every Friday 150 pizzas are made and served to guests in the Phoenix dining room.
This is a great volunteering effort for families and also an example of when to consider age restrictions. St Vincent de Paul has certain guidelines for pizza building, and parental supervision is a must.
When searching for a family bonding event, check age restrictions on the website or over the phone.
- Celebrate and discuss the impact
Discussions before and after the volunteer activity are a great idea to get input from your children on what they enjoyed most. Families can plan a lunch or dinner after volunteering to discuss their experience.
It’s also a great way to celebrate the efforts of your children and let them know they just made a difference for someone.
- Home is an option
There are several great nonprofits in the Valley that require volunteering opportunities on site, but others can be done at home. This is a great option if your children are volunteering for the first time.
At St. Vincent de Paul, volunteers can pick up bracelet kits to build at home. These intentional bracelets are meant to inspire and encourage residents going through a hard time and are a perfect starter for children old enough to thread beads without risk of choking.
This holiday season is a perfect time to start volunteering as a family with the knowledge that a community is built together.
You can learn more about Plexus Worldwide, a Scottsdale-based health and wellness company at