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Encouraging school culture begins in Kindergarten

San Tan Charter School: Outdoor Environment Class.

When Rita and Kris Sippel’s son was five, they couldn’t find a school nearby that met all the dreams, wants, needs, and expectations they envisioned for their son’s educational experience so they decided to start a school of their own.

With the support of 40 other families in the Southeast valley who shared similar academic values for their children, the Sippels started a private preschool and kindergarten, opening its doors in July 2006 using rented space from Mission Church in Gilbert.

Since then, they have grown into what is now known as San Tan Charter, with two campuses in Gilbert serving preschool through 12th grade and roughly 750 students.

Not only is the school tuition-free and open to the public, but they pride themselves on offering “education with a purpose” where students are encouraged to face challenges and develop critical thinking skills.

In addition, Rita, the Chief Customer Officer and Assistant Superintendent of San Tan Charter School, says that they strive to provide multiple learning opportunities for students through a variety of methods.

“[We offer] classroom choices to meet the needs of different brains, interests, and learning styles in a mutually respectful, inspiring and encouraging school culture beginning in Kindergarten,” she said.

San Tan Charter School: Outdoor Environment Class.

One way San Tan Charter is reaching the individual needs of its students is through their Outdoor Environment Program. Students in pre-K through 6th grade get to participate in hands-on lessons taking place outdoors once a week where they get to do things such as garden, tend to baby chicks, and learn about composting.

Students have also been hosting their own Farmer’s Markets after school where they get to sell some of the vegetables they’ve grown.

In grades 7-12, students are offered a variety of elective classes to choose from including career and technical education (CTE), culinary, and aviation courses, as well as the opportunity for juniors and seniors to attend the East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) half day.

The school is also invested in creating travel experiences for its students. Through a partnership with EF Tours, this spring they plan to take students on a trip to England and France. In addition, for the 2022-2023 school year, San Tan Charter plans to offer class trips for its sixth, eighth, and twelfth graders.

Sixth graders will have the opportunity to go to Washington, D.C., eighth graders will travel to Belize, and the seniors will embark on a 12 day trip to London, Paris, and Rome.

“We really wanted them to have these once in a lifetime experiences and really cement in their learning,” said Sarah Laramie, principal of San Tan Charter’s Recker Campus. “There’s no better way to learn about history than to be in the places it happened.”

With all the various learning programs and offerings to their students, Rita said they really are just striving to create a supportive and encouraging environment.

“We started it for our son but then all these other families came along,” she said. “It’s a labor of love for us and we hope that are our students really feel that we’re here for a purpose.”

Monique Seleen is the Editor for RAK. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from ASU and a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education from GCU. She spent 6 years as a middle school English teacher where she shared her love for writing with her students. Monique and her husband live in Mesa and are excited to become parents for the first time to their baby boy.



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