The 4th Trimester Arizona — a nonprofit that works to support and empower Arizona families during their transition to parenthood — hosts its third annual conference on Saturday, March 7, at the i.d.e.a. Museum in downtown Mesa. It offers sessions on a wide range of topics moms and families face after baby arrives, including pediatric massage, pelvic floor health, marriage after baby and much more.
The conference theme is “communication,” during pregnancy, birth and in the postpartum time frame. Discussions include how parents can continue to feel heard and understood even as their world changes. Parents, parents-to-be, grandparents, support people and professionals are welcome to attend.
Sessions include:
- The Myths of Motherhood: How they can lead to postpartum mood and anxiety disorders
- Your marriage/relationship after baby
- Maternal and paternal parenting styles
- Using sounds as tools for healing
- Communicating through touch
- Calm-down techniques for parents
Conference tickets are $25 at; free to WIC and AHCCCS participants. The conference is supported by the Arizona Department of Health Services, Southwest Human Development, the i.d.e.a. Museum and more.
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